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Solar Wind Hybrid System

Zeoluff solar wind hybrid system consists of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and domestic wind turbine. Solar panels produce electricity during the day, which can be used all year round, and wind turbines are very efficient at generating electricity at night or on windy days. These two types work well in cooperating with each other. Our standalone solar-wind hybrid systems operate “off-grid” (not connected to the electrical grid). Typically, they are positioned on the rooftops of homes and buildings.

Our hybrid solar-wind system has features like a constant power supply, great efficiency, and low maintenance costs, among others. To learn more, get in touch with us.

solar wind hybrid system

Wind Solar Hybrid System:

  • Combines wind & solar energy
  • Continuous power supply day and night.
  • No grid connection, enables energy independence.
  • Store solar energy and use low-cost electricity.
  • Sufficient energy supply, not be interrupted by different seasons & climates.

Features Of Zeoluff Off-Grid Solar System:

continues energy supply

Continues power supply

This solar-wind hybrid system can provide a steady supply of electricity. Solar panels generate power during the daytime when there is enough sunshine, while wind turbines generate power at night or on windy days by turning their fan. Electricity can also be produced using battery-stored energy. After installing this solar system, you won’t have to worry about running out of energy again.
stable performance

High Effectiveness

Our solar-wind hybrid system performs well under a variety of circumstances. Because this solar system has batteries for energy storage, no extra energy will be lost. Additionally, it has high-efficiency load management, which guarantees that the energy produced better meets your needs than a standalone generator.

Complex Control System

Compared to systems using merely solar panels or only wind turbines, this solar system will be a little more challenging to regulate. To ensure that our customers are capable of operating this solar system, we will offer operation videos and online help. So, there’s no need to worry.

Main Parts Of Our Wind Solar Hybrid System:

zeoluff wind turbine

Wind Turbine

Rated power: 100-20,000 W
Rotor diameter: 1.2-9 m
Blade quantity: 3/5 pic
Start-up wind speed: 2 m/s
Cut in wind speed: 4 m/s
Rated wind speed: 11 m/s
Survival wind speed: 53 m/s
Generator type: Three-phase AC permanent magnet generator
Working temperature: -40-80 ℃

solar panel for sale

Solar Panel

Rated Maximum Power(Pmax): 395-555 w
Module Efficiency: 20.2-21.5%
Maximum System Voltage: 1000V/1500V DC
No. of cells: 108/144
Maximum Series Fuse Rating: 25 A
Fire performance: UL Type 1
Working temperature: -40-85 ℃

solar energy battery

Energy Storage Battery

Nominal voltage: 51.2 V
Nominal energy: 5.1-15.4 KWh
Discharge voltage: 45-54 V
Charge voltage: 51.5-54 V
Max. Charge Current: 100-200A
Cont. Discharge DC power: 3000-10000W
Scalability: Up to 4 units

PV Inverter

  • 2 times overload output (100ms) to resist instant load shock.
  • Wide voltage input range, start early and stop late, more durable power generation.
  • Photovoltaic controller power upgrade, can be connected to 5kW.
  • Wide range of MPPT voltage, can adapt to various types of crystalline silicon modules.
  • Support quick charging of utilities.

FAQS Of Zeoluff Wind Solar Hybrid System:

A: In a hybrid system, the solar panels and wind turbines are connected through a battery. A hybrid charge controller helps both wind turbines and solar panels to receive the required charge.
A: It depends on your real demands, if the climate of the place you want to set this solar system is sunlight sufficient in the daytime and always windy all year round, then hybrid solar wind systems are the best choice.

A: It will depend on your decision. Choosing the right place for installation usually comes down to a combination of cost and available space.

Roof mounts are less expensive because they use your existing roof structure as a foundation. They also take up less room on your property.

Ground mounts take up more space, but they’re easier to access for installation and repair. They also give you greater control over the orientation of your array to maximize production.

A: Hybrid solar systems have high installation costs. However, they are more reliable. You can recover the installation cost quicker than on-grid systems.

A: Zeoluff off-grid solar system is capable of withstanding poor weather conditions, it should continue to generate electricity for 25 to 35 years but power performance will deteriorate over the years.

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